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Many children want to know their birth stories
and ask questions like:
1. How big was I when I was born?
2. Can I see a picture of me after I was born?
These questions can be difficult to answer when your baby was born prematurely.
I was Small, But Now I’m Tall is an engaging book for a child who was born prematurely, telling the tale of their earliest days in life in simple terms that kids can relate to. It tells the story of a baby that was born much too early and spent many months in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). This premature baby, like many others, overcame the obstacles that threatened her survival and grew into a strong child.
Praise & Reviews
“I Was Small But Now I’m Tall is a wonderful book showing how one child overcame numerous challenges and emerged victoriously. This feel-good story may help other children born prematurely or others struggling with challenges. Author Jennifer Degl offers encouragement for children and their parents who may be experiencing problems reaching milestones like other growing children. I like the comparisons of her size – “And I weighed 2 ounces less than a basketball” – so people get a true feeling of how small and light she really was. Imagine holding a baby in the palm of your hand. Children will love the rhyming words, while parents will enjoy the subtle messages.”
— Reader’s Favorite

“I Was Small, But Now I’m Tall is a much needed book to help our preemie children to understand how far they have come. Well done!”
— Kristy Love, Executive Director, National Perinatal Association
“I Was Small, But Now I’m Tall, is the second children’s book written by Jennifer Degl, who once again succeeds at bringing comforting words and insurmountable hope to families who experience the trauma of delivering a fragile and premature baby. It will be a treasured story for hundreds of parents and children for years to come, and undoubtedly will be on my recommended reading list for the NICU families I care for”.
— Sara Mosher, President of Patient+Family Care, NICU Nurse
“With its whimsical illustrations, I Was Small, But Now I’m Tall provides a fun way for parents to share their own stories of concern and caring with their growing NICU baby. Families will enjoy reading this book with their former preemie, and celebrating the life they share today.”
— Sue Hall MD, MSW, Neonatologist, Author, Advocate
Other books by Jennifer Degl
Stuck in Bed
2019 Mom’s Choice Awards® Gold Recipient
“Stuck in Bed: The pregnancy bed rest picture book for kids … and moms” is a book about pregnancy bed rest from a child’s perspective. Kids ask a lot of questions, and this mom answers them with optimism and excitement. She reassures her son that although things will be different for a little while, the two of them can have a lot of fun in the meantime!
From Hope to Joy